British Wonder- No Germination
Strike - decent germination with good later production
Marvel -nothing
Coral - early short plants with a great first flush and they're done
Petit Pois - loved these. Came late but stood up in the heat and produced nicely. Needed to be staked.
Amish Snap-excellent producer of small peas--not too tall-not enough germination
Super Sugar-later than Amish. Good but not great production--not enough germination
Sugar Ann - worthless. Bad germination--needs to be staked--but small.
Snow Peas
Snow Green - the victor--even produced some really nice peas in early august!
Oregon - fine but nothing to write home about
Carouby de Maussane- interesting purple flower--should have staked them. The were in difficult soil and did okay. But not overly prolific.
blau - volunteer. Fun to grow.