The ever dangerous "grow a bunch of varieties but not enough of the staples" in this case a green bush bean?? Contender did not contend.
Rattlesnake Bean (Purple streaked green pole)- back for a repeat performance. Love this bean. Nice teepee going -- harvest is about to come in.
roquencourt (Yellow wax bush)-hard to get established. Have gotten some beautiful beans but still waiting for a good flush. When right these make the longest thick white-yellow pods.
marvel of venice (yellow romano pole)-nothing yet struggled to get these established too.
violetto (purple pole) lost most of them in establishment--3 left.
soleil (yellow bush filet)-small only one plant made it--beans so far have been bad
Indy Gold (Yellow Bush)--doing okay--gotten some nice beans waiting for a good second flush
Royal Burgundy (Purple Bush snap)-just started producing--beans have great texture and color
Nugget (yellow bush)-similar to soleil in size--not sure whats going on here.
Neckargold (yellow snap pole)-waiting...waiting. 2-4 made it.
Contender (green bush)-lost all but 1--last year was so good.
Maxibel (green filet)-love these looong curvy skinny beans. If the bean pops..though their worthless as pods. The beans can still be eaten
Purpiat (purple romano bush)-Love steamed romano's. These came of the plant pretty easily when young. Carefull handling. Got my first genuine pods today.
Roc d'hor (Yellow wax bush)-These are the best yellow beans so far.