
winter harvest..not yet

harvest today

3 raddichios
viroflay spinach
winter spinach
curled parsley
endive head

harvested 2 of the remaining 11 carrots. yummy. The kale and raddichios were under snow. They seem impervious. The radichios are by far the hardiest. Unvelievable.

First jar of canned beets is gone. Had tomato soup this week. N made bean dip from the beans from Last year. Dried beans this year were a total failure. The rattlesnake beans looked great but I didn't get them watered and all the beans are tine and "burned". must install irrigation system.



Made a tunnel yesterday with PVC and clear plastic. Didn't work out exactly as I thought it would but it might just hold up. Need a good wind storm to really know.

Made a toasted garlic-roasted chile-tomato-savory sauce last night. Used New Mexico #6 and Numex Anaheims. Surprised at how much it tasted like an enchilada sauce.

Cut up two more honeydew melons today. mmmm. The nose wasn't too much, but they started to get soft after yellowing. One is sweeter than the other but together in the same container melds them. Appears that eating melons seasonally in Colorado means October. I think the last one might ripen after Nov 1.

Down to 1 big yellow bowl of green tomatoes. The four section plate is full with the ripe ones.

Peppers are good. I have a big bag of ripe multicolored peppers in the fridge. The chocolate beauties have come nicely from the green to brown since I picked them all two weeks ago. The ones in the bowl are getting wrinkly.

G ate almost the last of the cucumber tonight...

First harvest of Tuscan Kale. Its a superb late planting. Had our first daikon and long red radishes.

The large chicory and the escaroles are not handling the cold--some getting tip burn. The raddicio is doing great but not sure I'll get heads before the hard frost comes.

The basil under the new pergola still hasn't frozen!

Not sure, don't think any of the larger brassicas or cabbages are going to make before freeze. Looks like they might need to be either a lot bigger transplants or planted a lot earlier--hard to say--but Aug 15th didn't get it done. Kales are doing fine though.

that's all.


Rain in drops and a clean garage

We're getting some rain tonight. Smells nice.

Made tomato paste this morning with san marzano, orange banana and cream sausage. Added in some brown berry and a juane flamme. Cooked down pretty well. Hadn't ever done it before--had always made sauce or soup. Now frozen for a later date. So sweet.

Also made a zingy gingery (too much.) green juice.

Redventure Celery
Shogin Turnip thinnings
Golden Streaks Mustard
White Satin Carrot
Curled Leaf Parsley Stem
Di Cicco Broccoli Raab Stem
Large Abruzzese Tortarello Cucumber.

The white satin was sweet enough to balance all the greens -- but not the ginger. N liked it anyway.

N made a roasted tomatillo salsa. Thanks Josh and Dani!

tomato(boxcar willie)
numex anaheim chili
garlic(not sure what type. Have to be more careful in the field trials! ;)

For dinner we had wilted greens of baby spinach, bulls blood beat, and five beet chard. beneath thyme rubbed seared scallops, kochoba squash(bought), spiral pasta, and shitake. Earthy but light was what I was trying to get--sorta worked.

The tromboncino, oh my. Still going strong. We have three large trombones in the house. Still 2 more on the plant... This late with no, and I mean none, powdery mildew. Zuchetta Rampicante, just rolls right off the tongue.

Finally, brought in another muskmelon. It is sweet like it should be. The other one maybe did get the cucumber pollen.



brought in a muskmelon yesterday that had finally yellowed. Cut it open this morn, looked beautiful...tasted bland and bad. ug. Read about three weeks ago about planting melons and cukes together was a bad idea. Pollination between could cause melons to lack sweetness. Don't know whether that's what happened here, but this melon wadn't vedy good.


This Morning's harvest

tortarella abruzzese
lemon cucumber
parisian pickling cucumber
anonymous summer squash
trombocino squash
roquencourt bean
royal purpiat bean
maxibel green bean
violetto bean
neckargold bean
roc d'or bean
pruden's purple
orange banana tomato
golden jubilee tomato
gourmet pepper
diamond pepper
corno di toro pepper
syrian marjoram
numex anaheim chili
walking onion
purple glazer garlic
brown berry tomato


sharlyn honeydew

ripe honeydeeeewwww!!!


Carrot Report

On the whole had an average germination year. I had seeds under straw and maybe planted a little too deeply. Our long spring meant the soil didn't warm as quickly as it needed to. That said, we have plenty of carrots. Report will now commence.

atomic red
scarlet nantes
purple haze
danvers 1/2 long
jaume du daub
redcore chanteney
red samurai
st. valery
shin kuroda #5
lunar white
danvers 126
solar yellow
japanese imperial-as long as advertised. Today I pulled a 16 inch carrot. Yesterday I tried to pull a carrot twice the size in diameter in the mother of all carrot pulling contests...and lost..bigtime. They have good but not overly sweet fresh eating properties. I made carrot spaghetti out of them last night. Neat.
white satin
amsterdam #2



sprayed everything with calcium. Defoliated more melon canopy. Brought in 3 suyo long. Not perfect--Got a little fat--But they'll still taste good..

lolla bionda
purple mizuna
blood sorrel
osaka purple mustard
tat soi
shogin turnip
hon tsai tai
5 radishes
amsterdam #2
winter spinach
erste ernte spinach



The ever dangerous "grow a bunch of varieties but not enough of the staples" in this case a green bush bean?? Contender did not contend.

Rattlesnake Bean (Purple streaked green pole)- back for a repeat performance. Love this bean. Nice teepee going -- harvest is about to come in.
roquencourt (Yellow wax bush)-hard to get established. Have gotten some beautiful beans but still waiting for a good flush. When right these make the longest thick white-yellow pods.
marvel of venice (yellow romano pole)-nothing yet struggled to get these established too.
violetto (purple pole) lost most of them in establishment--3 left.
soleil (yellow bush filet)-small only one plant made it--beans so far have been bad
Indy Gold (Yellow Bush)--doing okay--gotten some nice beans waiting for a good second flush
Royal Burgundy (Purple Bush snap)-just started producing--beans have great texture and color
Nugget (yellow bush)-similar to soleil in size--not sure whats going on here.
Neckargold (yellow snap pole)-waiting...waiting. 2-4 made it.
Contender (green bush)-lost all but 1--last year was so good.
Maxibel (green filet)-love these looong curvy skinny beans. If the bean pops..though their worthless as pods. The beans can still be eaten
Purpiat (purple romano bush)-Love steamed romano's. These came of the plant pretty easily when young. Carefull handling. Got my first genuine pods today.
Roc d'hor (Yellow wax bush)-These are the best yellow beans so far.


British Wonder- No Germination
Strike - decent germination with good later production
Marvel -nothing
Coral - early short plants with a great first flush and they're done
Petit Pois - loved these. Came late but stood up in the heat and produced nicely. Needed to be staked.

Amish Snap-excellent producer of small peas--not too tall-not enough germination
Super Sugar-later than Amish. Good but not great production--not enough germination
Sugar Ann - worthless. Bad germination--needs to be staked--but small.

Snow Peas
Snow Green - the victor--even produced some really nice peas in early august!
Oregon - fine but nothing to write home about
Carouby de Maussane- interesting purple flower--should have staked them. The were in difficult soil and did okay. But not overly prolific.
blau - volunteer. Fun to grow.

Tomatos Report

red strawberry (TSWV) - no production
Lillian's Yellow (TSWV) - no production
Black --jury is out--looking really good although ridiculously slow to produce My largest tomato of the year will definitely be a black.
San Marzano - horrible BER--sprayed with calcium and second flush is looking better. Made first paste 10/4. Still a goodly number of nice fruit still ripening
Box Car Willy - cracks like a mofo but came early with few baseballs. Having an excellent late season. Many perfectly formed fruit for late season sauce will be a comin(10/4)
Green Grape - late to the party--got about 15 tomatoes--but they are soooo great. Did get TSWV late
Juame Flame - absolute find--best story of the year--resistent to cracking, juicy, prolific, first blushes the turns orange--a beautiful tomato!! Tall. Still producing. TSWV is showing in fruit discoloration late (10/4)
Green Sausage-(TSWV)-no production
Pink Accordian-(TSWV)-1 tomato
Brown Berry-Prolific larger cherry good but not spectacular flavor. Tall. Still doing great (10/4)
White Currant- pulled it out of the gound in a fit of rage at all the TSWV in my garden :(
Black Prince(TSWV)
Yellow Pear-have never gotten (TSWV) in 8 years of growing. Until now (10/4) ug
Gold Nugget-late to the party but will be producing here shortly--I think it missed the mycorrhizals--but damn if it isn't making fruit now. (10/4) neat.
Prudens Purple(TSWV) it continues to grow and make fruit. Its strong. But it is definitely infected. Still true, its a fighter. (10/4)
Plum Lemon(TSWV) 2 years in a row with nothing. Won't grow again.
Momotaro-Hybrid-advertised as a great flavor. Its good but nothing fantastic. It does scar and crack. Big strong looking plant grows different than most of the others. Got TSWV and has gone bad. Don't think I'd grow it again.
Roman Candle(TSWV) I got 2 badly BER roman candles before I yanked it.
Orange Banana-still growing. Serious BER problems. Finally got a yield of big no BER tomatos. Made paste (10/4)
Black Plum(TSWV)
Cream Sausage-just got my first full fleged cream tomato after 5 years of trying white wonder (what's the definition of insanity again?)-um...this is a determinate tomato. Takes forever to ripen but these are gems. Made paste today (10/4). mild.
Glacier-still pluggin a way. Little red things. Still true on (10/4)
Golden Jubilee--Cracks--Cracks Cracks. Prolific and resistant but Geez. Late season excellence. Cracks have disappeard and still growing with no TSWV.
Purple Calabash-The book is out on this one. Made some tiny crazy lookin purples. Wouldn't say too much for productivity though.
Moonglow--Book is out. Still out.(10/4)
Garden Peach(TSWV)--getting some production--got it late and its starting to take over. :( Fought through it so we still got some of the sweetest tomatoes of all time. Unbelievable. I like the fight in this tomato. (10/4)

Cornichons and Dilly beans-The Pepper Report

Made my first batches of these delicacies. First batch was dilly beans. Used white vineger. Ok--not great but edible. I included a bunch of little peppers--which had all gotten blossom end rot so I had to pick out the ugly bits.

Really, lost my whole first crop of peppers. Only the little ones didn't suffer. Cherry bombs and Tangerine piemiento. The mini-peppers from Territorial fared ok too. I got 1 decent Orange Bell. Started out with 42 plants. Lost 2 to mice? or grasshopper? --not sure. 4 more with disease. tangerine, chocolate beauty, golden marconi & peaceworks.

The second flush is in progress. I've lost a few to BER but have sprayed everything with calcium--don't know yet whether its the answer. Fingers crossed.

Others that have provided thus far include (meager)
Black Hungarian
Garden Sunshine


dinner tonight: steamed beat w/chopped parsley
steamed purpiat romano beans with butter
steamed beet greens with chopped stems
light balsamic vinegar drenched cucumber
herbed chicken breast

g's dinner -- red samurai carrot
maxibel green beans
roque d'or beens
albino bullnose pepper
yellow pear tomatoes

On the whole things are going well. No major pestilence. Lots of failed experiments and lots of successful ones. Spring was long so we had a good pea season. Summer was mild but moisture free for days on end. Then had a 22 day stretch of 90+. Went away during that time and had some losses. Then had a torrential 2.5 day storm which I Loved.

That leaves us here with a goodly vegetal meal and some shiraz.