
Peas Everywhere

No..Not really--but I've harvested most of the snow peas for the year--probably one more decent sized harvest--think I really got the hang of picking them before they go bitter; both by feel and by look. Many shell peas still to be gleaned. Including the dwarf grays-which finally expressed their name. When fully plumped they're still little guys. Its the earwig that are eating turnips. I say--Let them eat turnip greens!
Tomatoes are finally taking off--peppers and eggplants are not quite as assertive.
Still haven't gotten everything into the ground--hopefully today.

The allotment hasn't germinated quite like I would like--the black beans have been poor--the cow peas are very poor and the garbanzo beans are um...not at all. Adzukis and calypsos are pretty good and the gourds are ok. Pumpkins and squash are fine. Oooooo I can't wait to see what happens.