
Hey Beerman

Hey--beer man! Fresh Beer is my new mantra. Its almost easier to say what earwigs don't eat in my garden than what they do eat. Peas, strawberries, blackberries. They ate EVERYTHING else. This year they seemed particularly fond of turnip greens--which was fine--share and share alike. But when I dumped out 20 earwigs from a single head of lettuce yesterday morning...Game On! So I came upon this thread--that link above about earwigs not eating things...HA! Well then me and da kid poured out 3 Breckenridge Pale Ales into cat food tins and plastic cup bottoms and set them out. First earwig was toast in less than 5 minutes. This morning I ambled out and found the cat tins Full! and I mean full of earwigs. The plastic cups weren't so voluminous but still worthy. Tonight, we buy some malt liquor. Those little lushes will be so high...just before they die. Do you think they're fussy about the kind of beer? I'll report back with more info on Colorado Earwigs Beer Preferences.