Finished with the cold garden planting today excluding the shallots from last year--Rain storm yesterday didn't amount to much. Planted over 60 different varieties in food garden. Have a bunch of stuff downstairs. The pansies, stock and phlox are all about ready to go out.
Need more space...
4 types each shell,snow,sugar snap this year. Never enough peas. You can go ahead and plant heirloom varieties but you have to make sure you plant a standard. Yellow carrots are great but you definitely want to get enough orange carrots.
Composted all the beds. Hoping for a little better success this year. Bigtime Efficacy Earwig Removal System (BEERS) will be in place from the beginning.
Looking at the summer of Zinnias and Sunflowers. Enough with the dalhias--not into digging things up in November in Colorado. Its just not in me. And really...what grows better in late summer here than sunflowers?
Finding time to transplant things to better spots is hard to do.